Herbert Altrichter and John Elliott (eds) University of Linz, Austria; Centre for Applied Research in Education, University of East Anglia. IMAGES OF EDUCATIONAL CHANGE
Market Educational researchers and doctoral students engaged with studies of educational change. Teachers undertaking postgraduate masters-level research into changing issues with their schools and their educational organization. Subject Classification Education Contributors Herbert Altrichter, J. Myron Atkin, Marie Brennan, John Elliott, Christine Finnan, Angel Perez Gomez, Ernest R. House, Lawrence Ingvarson, Henry Levin, Barry MacDonald, Susan Noftke, Christine O'Hanlon, Peter Posch, Stefan Salzgeber, John Schostak, Susan Groundwater Smith, Bridget Somekh, Rob Walker. |
This important book takes a fresh look at educational change - a concept which is in frequent use but rarely examined for the variety of meanings it conveys. It brings together the ideas of major educational change theorists from three continents, and invites the reader to explore the idea of educational change at a number of levels and from a variety of perspectives.
There is much talk about the pace of social change in, and the growing complexity of, industrial socleties. In this book a number of well-known international researchers attempt to analyse the meaning of contemporary social change for education.
Particular emphasis is given to the implications for:
Introduction - Educational change and policy formation - Economic change, educational policy formation and the role of the state - How education became nobodys business - Developing under developing circumstances: the personal and social development of students and the process of schooling - The relationship between social and educational change - Community, schoof change and strategic networking - Social change and the individual.- changing pattems of community and the chaftenge for schooling - Social change, subject matter - and the teacher - Conceptualisng school change processes - Changing school cultures - Some elements of a micro-political theory of school development - Changing conceptions of action research - Preparing teachers for a creative engagement with educational change - Retiective education and schoot culture socialization of student teachers - Case study and case records: a conversation about the Hathaway project - Experts of the future - Teacher controf and the reform of professional development - Overview chapter. Towards a synoptic vision of educational change in advanced industrial societies - Index.