Electronic Sources: APA Style of Citation

PLEASE NOTE: Follow recommended patterns given in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 4th edition, for indentation of items in a "Reference List."

Individual Works

Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:

Author/editor. (Year). Title (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available: Supplier/Database identifier or number [Access date].

Author/editor. (Year). Title (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File [Access date].


Parts of Works

Basic forms, commercial supplier, and using an Internet protocol:

Author/editor. (Year). Title. In Source (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available: Supplier/Database identifier or number [Access date].

Author/editor. (Year). Title. In Source (edition), [Type of medium]. Producer (optional). Available Protocol (if applicable): Site/Path/File [Access date].
